Fares and Passes

PVTA Service Fare Information

All READY R!DE fares are $2.00 per boarding
Call our office for all Regular Route Fares
Seniors (62+) - 50% off Regular Route Fares*
Persons with Disabilities - 50% off Regular Route Fares*
Children Ages 6-12 - 50% off ALL  fares
Children Under 6 - FREE

*50 % discount does not apply to READY R!DE or NEMT (non-emergency medical transport) services or routes

Discount Passes

Get $5.50 worth of PVTA Regular Route service for $5.00. Ask your PVTA vehicle operator for details, or call our office.

Work Passes

Passengers riding PVTA work services can save time by purchasing multi-day passes. For a five –day pass, simply multiply your daily round-trip by five (5). So stop fishing around for your daily fare and buy your multi-day work pass today!


Token Transit

Token Transit allows you the capability using PVTA public transit with ease and convenience. Pay with your credit, debit or commuter benefits card and always have your pass with you! Find out more, click the link!