- Please know what time the bus arrives at your stop and plan to be at the stop location at least five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled time for the bus to arrive. Buses can run a few minutes late or early depending on weather, traffic, and other factors. Bus schedules can be obtained from this PVTA web site (see PVTA Services – Routes and Schedules), the PVTA office, or from one of the friendly PVTA bus operators. You may also call PVTA at (304) 257-1414 or toll free at (800) 565-7240.
- Stand at a place where the bus driver has room to stop without causing a traffic hazard and clearly motion for the bus to stop. Make sure to give the operator plenty of time to respond.
- As you board, let the operator know your destination.
- If possible, please have the exact fare ready.
- Do not hesitate to ask the operator any questions about fares, routes or services offered by PVTA.
Rules When Riding the Bus
- Profanity or obscene language is not appropriate for PVTA passengers. If this occurs, the driver will ask that the passenger refrain from using this language. If the situation persists, the driver will ask the passenger to disembark from the bus and will call for assistance if necessary.
- For the safety of children on board the bus, baby strollers must be folded while on the bus and placed between the seats out of the center isle. Babies are not to be transported in the strollers.
- Eating and drinking are not permitted on PVTA buses.
- Passengers must keep hands and feet inside the bus at all times.
- Smoking is not permitted on any PVTA bus.
- Passengers using mobility devices such as wheelchairs or scooters must allow the devices to be secured in the designated areas on the bus.
Thank you for following these rules and for helping us to ensure that you and your fellow passengers enjoy a safe and pleasant ride.
Holidays Observed/Bad Weather Policies
- PVTA observes the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.
- Stay tuned to our facebook page for all of the latest updates and service alerts:
Potomac Valley Transit Authority | Petersburg WV | Facebook
- For information about weather cancellation tune to radio stations WQZK-FM (94.1), WKLP-AM (1390), WELD-AM (690), and WELD-FM (101.7).